Monday 2 January 2017


These people from around the world are working against cyber crime and cyber bullying:-

1. Susan McLean

Susan McLean is Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and young people and was a member of Victoria Police for 27 years. Widely known as the ‘cyber cop’ she was the first Victoria Police Officer appointed to a position involving cyber safety and young people. In 2003 she was the Victoria Police Region Four Youth Officer of the Year. She has also been awarded The National Medal and the Victoria Police Service Medal and 2nd Clasp. 
To know more, click here.

2. Trisha Prabhu

Trisha Prabhu, a 13-year-old from Chicago, won a spot as one of Google's 15 global Science Fair finalists for her project about stopping cyberbullying by making teens and tweens think before posting hurtful comments.
The science behind Prabhu's idea is simple: Teens are impulsive and more likely to post hurtful messages without pausing to think about the consequences because of their brain structure.
The prefrontal cortex - the part of the brain responsible for self-control that helps people think before acting - isn't fully developed until age 25. Her theory is that if teens are forced to take a moment of reflection before posting a mean comment, they won't do it.
She created a system called Rethink to test her hypothesis that prompted students who said they would post a mean comment to think about how it might affect its target before posting it. Turns out, in 93.43% of her 533 trials, the student decided not to post the comment.

To know more, click here.

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